Let me tell y’all. God is faithful. It’s testimony time! So, a couple of weeks ago, I shared the story of how we were struggling a bit. I talked about my complaining at the grocery store – something that stopped after that last round by the way. Sharing that wasn’t easy because I was raised to never ask for handouts. And I wasn't asking for a handout by any means but I am very cautious to not be guilty of manipulation because I've seen people do that. I was raised on the value of hard work and effort, which is not a terrible thing. But it has presented the occasional challenge in my walk with God because one. I never want to ask for help, even when I really need help. Nor do I want to accept it. And two. I have a bad habit of thinking that my effort/hard work is what provides – that mentality of “I got this” sometimes causes me to forget that I don’t “have this” but God does. God is our provider. Not me. Not my job. Not others though clearly, He will use some incredible people to accomplish His purposes. But I told y’all in the last post I would have a testimony to share, and I sure do. Because the God I serve is faithful. And this isn’t just a story about financial blessings either. Some of this was shared in a Facebook post already but I wanted to go into more depth about the situation. This post will have to correct some of the actual timing but all of this happened in a 7 day period.
We had a $739.96 deficit in our budget for June. And I couldn't even bear to look at July, but it was going to be worse. All because daycare was tripling, and I have to provide lunch for the summer for Lennon's FT care. He usually gets free lunch so that's one less thing for us to worry about while he is in school. We've been on a journey to paying off debt too and that was going to get put on hold. My job cut out OT and I'm back to salary so there was no opportunity to gain that extra money really. What I would pay for childcare in the evenings, if I could find it, would be what I made doing Uber/Lyft. The car is back to acting… “blessed” but no check engine so that’s a plus. But I serve a God that always provides.

So, 2 weeks ago, I did something I had never done before for 72 hours, something I’ve decided to not share too much about. But it was something for some people I care about. On the last day of that, I was working from home on Friday cleaning up some things and God spoke and I wrote this down (FYI - I do payroll and integrity is absolutely mandatory in what I do in every detail):

Mothers Day Sunday, the 12th, I end up doing a prayer drive around our neighborhood because the Lord asked me to do that. He didn't say why but I found myself praying against storm damage, tornadoes, flooding, etc. The rest was in the Spirit. I have a video about that with more detail but a tornado did hit Houston and that derecho storm was headed our direction but somehow did zero damage to the area he had me drive around. I live in a trailer so I am pretty grateful for none of those 100 mph winds over here. But I am also praying for all of the people who had damage during the storm and lost power. Monday the 13th I was given a new assignment.
I was a little off on my timing in my original FB post but on Tuesday I was looking for one of the new leadership podcasts to listen to while working and I see this sermon from a church I had never heard of before titled “Everything can change in 72 hours” by Perry Stone at 7 Hills Church. So naturally, because last week I had done something for 72 hours, I was intrigued. Great message there by the way. But in this message, he talks about the Biblical significance of this 72 hours and a handful of stories that reflect this. So, I initially took this as a sign that I was on the right track with what the Lord had shown me. But he had said in the message that it never failed that in 72 hours, God showed up for people who heard this message. I decided instead of rejecting that, which is easy to do when you hear something like that, I was going to receive what God had for me. Though what I actually wrote in the prayer book at first was for someone else’s breakthrough for which I’ve been praying. Though they don't know that so you won't see their names. I was praying based on something God showed me but that's another story.

Wednesday comes. I found out my son’s soccer games have moved, so now I’m scrambling to figure out how to get him to this game on time since his uniform was at home. Then I got news that the venue for an event were hosting is not available. At which point I realized that I never wrote down or went into prayer about the specific needs that we need for this event, so I wrote it down. Once I wrote it down, I realized that I needed to sow a seed on behalf of this event, but I wasn’t sure where just yet. About an hour later, I got hit with a spirit of anxiety that took my breath away and it lasted for hours. Now usually if something like this happens, it means someone I’m praying for is dealing with this and I need to pray. So that’s what I did though I didn’t have a picture of a face like I usually do. I just started covering all of the usual folks on my list and praying in the Spirit. I sat at my desk pushing through at work in tears with no idea why this was even happening. It had been months since I had dealt with any kind of anxiety like this. I used to struggle with panic attacks years ago, but the Lord delivered me from that. There was no cause that I could see, and prayer was not working. I could not shake this thing.
I got off work, got my son to his game while trying to hide the fact that I’m having this crazy thing happening for no reason. I sat on that field sideline feeling like I couldn’t breathe, and everything was spinning. Then I realized I’m sitting with the opposing team, and I need to move and find the parents of my son’s team to sit with. I’m clueless on soccer etiquette but I’m learning. My heart was racing, and I just kept praying quietly and trying to take deep breaths. My fit bit is over here thinking I’m doing cardio because of my heart rate at this point. Lennon aunt shows up and I raced off to the bathroom as soon as she got there (if you’re reading this sorry, I didn’t say anything, but I know you understand) because I had to get away from people for a few moments especially since there were people I recognized there that didn’t need to see me in that state. I come back, the first game ends, the next game starts, and we move to the other field. At which point I just get extremely tired like I just ran a marathon or something. We went out to eat after and at this point things calmed down. Got Lennon home and in bed after a shower and I went to go into the prayer closet. I didn’t even make it there. I was on my bed and just lost it. I cried out to God for a while asking Him to take this spirit away, and at some point, I fell asleep.
Thursday comes. I went for my morning walk, and all is well. I get to work, and this anxiety starts to come back. Out of nowhere I see the face of a person I know but not super well, and the anxiety is gone. I still don’t know exactly what that was, but my assumption is they said a prayer for me not even realizing what was going on. And the funny thing is, this was actually someone that God had assigned me to start interceding for on Monday. So, if you’re out there as one of my like six to twelve readers, thanks for that. Prayer is powerful - don’t ever underestimate the power of prayer. You know at some point I might start sharing some of the crazy God stories I have from this new level of intercession the Lord has me in, but I don’t believe it’s quite time for that yet. I’ll just leave it as encouragement that if you picture someone like that or someone is on your heart, just pray. Pray in the Spirit if you can. You are making an impact.
So not too long after all this, I am reminded of the seed I was supposed to sow on behalf of this event. I had asked the Lord to show me where to sow the day before. So, God tells me to sow into someone specific that I had never sown into before. He gave me an oddly specific number too, so I assumed that was probably some kind of sign for them. My card declines and I’m having so much trouble just trying to sow this seed that I figured the enemy really didn’t want this to happen so now it REALLY had to happen. I finally got it to go through. Not 10 minutes later, I keep hearing over and over again “This is the seed that turns the tide.” So, I wrote it down. But the funny thing was I sowed this seed not for us. I sowed it for that event.

Thank you for sharing your testimony!
It always warms my heart and soul to hear blessings play out. I struggle a lot with God's perfect timing, especially when it is the opposite of what I want. I've learned to pray for patience instead of resolution, and trust instead of ways to alleviate my impatience.
My current situation is the greatest trial to submit and follow his plan. I'm doing my best, but additional prayers are always appreciated. I know the rewards are great, and that has helped me avoid the short term pains.
Good morning, Brandi.
I appreciate you blogging. Just got tuned in to follow. I picked up some things I will begin to incorporate into my journey. I've already come across this scripture in my short time already. It speaks directly to me as worrying about the worldly stuff has been binding me for years. Thank you for sharing.